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From the home of all technology innovations (Japan), comes...
Quote:Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 Toilet Paper Available
- In Japan

[Image: Windows-Vista-Ultimate-SP1-Toilet-Paper-Available-2.jpg]
Windows Vista Service Pack 1 RTM is still not available to end users, even at a month and a half since it went gold. But some select few have access to the "next best thing." Japanese users of Microsoft's latest Windows client are also among the customers still waiting for SP1 RTM, but at the same time they have the Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 special edition toilet paper to keep them
occupied until the actual service pack is released. Unlike the bits for Vista SP1, cellulose fails to come across driver issues that would postpone availability well after the date it was released to manufacturing.

Vista SP1 RTM'd on February 4, 2008. Since then, the service pack has gone into the production of Vista SP1 DVDs as well as to the company's OEM partners, in order to be preloaded on new machines. During February, Microsoft also made Vista SP1 available to some 15,000 testers that participated in the Beta program, to Volume License customers and to the MSDN and TechNet Plus subscribers. Vista TechNet and MSDN, the Redmond company also released the slipstream versions of Vista SP1 as an ISO image containing both the operating system and the integrated service pack.

The Windows Vista Ultimate SP1 toilet paper comes with a bathroom encyclopedia of information focused on the imminent service pack. It should come in handy for the Japanese Vista fanatics that need a tad of extra information about SP1 during relaxing times... And of course that quality is guaranteed. Microsoft stated that with SP1 it was going to soften all the rough edges of the operating system. And this is nothing but good news, as Vista Ultimate SP1 toilet paper should be in fact as smooth as silk. In the end, it's a matter of perspective, but I don't think that Microsoft is going to be all that happy about Vista SP1 ending up on a product used to wipe...

[Image: Windows-Vista-Ultimate-SP1-Toilet-Paper-Available-3.jpg][Image: Windows-Vista-Ultimate-SP1-Toilet-Paper-Available-4.jpg][Image: Windows-Vista-Ultimate-SP1-Toilet-Paper-Available-5.jpg]
- Source: [Softpedia]
I want a roll.

I had to go back to home basic from XP SP2. :(

So im kinda pissed off at Vista.

It was due to lack of drivers for XP.
Toshiba sold my PC's soul to vista...
My copy of Vista had SP1 pre installed....

Whaaaaaat???, you're tellin me theres people out there with no SP1 for Vista???Nana-o

This world makes no sence!!!!
Black toilet paper?

How will you see your spoon stains?
diego Wrote:Black toilet paper?

How will you see your spoon stains?

... ... ???

Look at the lower 3 pictures.

White toilet paper with blue writings.
ye its just black packaging or somet :P WANT :D
Assassinator Wrote:
diego Wrote:Black toilet paper?

How will you see your spoon stains?

... ... ???

Look at the lower 3 pictures.

White toilet paper with blue writings.

Oh sorry, I just looked at the top image.

Now I want some.
Incadude Wrote:I want a roll.
lol, they come up with some intresting stuff over there.
Wow that's just weird but I suppose you're wiping your donkey with Micrsoft!!!!!
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