Endless Paradigm

Full Version: If Mario was real
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Quote:If Mario was real, thas one creepy plumber. Created with Photoshop CS2 and a bunch of random faces pasted over a 3d render of Mario from Nintendo. I'm thinking to do one of Homer Simpson too... Look for that in the coming days.

[Image: realmario.jpg]


THAT IS REALLY SCARY!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh the loveable cuddly Mario is a FREAK!!!!!?!?!?!
haha hellgiver lol
That is really cool!

He does look pretty creepy though...

Amazing job Hellgiver, can't wait for the real life creepy Homer.
Wait Hellgiver you didn't do that did you???
if hellgiver is pixeloo

he did it, is he pixeloo?
he looks like a pedophile.
he does, and it wasn't hellgiver did it i don't think
That's what many years of magic shrooms does to you
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