Money I receive is going to the purchase of a PSP slim, a new computer, and the latest version of photoshop all of which will help improve the quality of my themes. All donations are greatly appreciated.
Thankyou thankyou thankyou :D The one i used didnt work right :(
haha. ctf pwns. people just need to make good themes for it. ;)
This theme is greatly appreaciated.
Thanks for your hard Work Professor ,now i only need to educate myself what CTF is...
gsmoke Wrote:Thanks for your hard Work Professor ,now i only need to educate myself what CTF is...
Same here. I am still in 3.71.
its a CXMB file, like a PTF
RCO's For the win though!!
my cxmb for 371 didnt work :D lulz...
cxmb is cool .. for newbs (installed it on my cousins new psp) ... too bad you can't go back to the original xmb without disabling cxmb plugin.. (or am i missing something? :D)
Looks nice,but im whaiting for rco version,beacose i use app.Wardobe.v7 by MR.Shizzy for flashing themes...