Endless Paradigm

Full Version: My first attempt at using photoshop properly
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Pages: 1 2
looking good amzter!!!! :D Just keep changing the settings and trying out new brushes.....also change the transparencies and stuff to blend the image...
ah ok will do.
Another new one.

[Image: Ferrari-enzoBlackandWhite.png]


[Image: Ferrari-Enzo-doors-ajar.jpg]
not a fan
Don't know what it is exactly, but i don't like that as much as the other stuff youve done
Nooo don't be sorry dude that's what i want good feedback (Rep pointed) could you try and think what it is that is bothering you. A certain section? The car? The white fire effect? The big moon in the back? or is it the Colour scheme?
i think its more where the moon ends, the sky seems too light and i t just looks odd to me

Also, the flames are possibly to thick
Ther car itself is funky, and its still a good piece of work (far better than anything i could produce)
Pages: 1 2
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