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Full Version: [Tutoriol] CTF creation for CXMB 3.2.1
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Tutoriol to make CTF with sony ptf manager
(You can also use CTF manager v2 to make CTF with ptf download HERE )

Install CXMB3.2.1 FULL >>Download CXMB3.2.1>> [attachment=2099]
Go HERE to download CTFmanager v2 to decompile CTF's.

1. Custom Theme Convert V1.0.0.0 (cause seems V1.2.0.0 might cause corrupted icon)
    Download : themeconv.rar [98.67 KB]
2. ptf wallpaper file in 480x272, 24Bit true color, BMP format
3. ptf icon file in 16x16, 256 colors, PNG format
4. ptf preview file in 300x170, 24Bit true color, BMP format
5. Supported prx in ms0:/cxmb/support (common_plugin.prx,paf.prx,vshmain.prx)
    Download : Needed  for 3.71/3.80/3.90 PRX and for needed>>[attachment=2100]

Few steps:
1. in 'Information tab', just fill some text data as you want. It really doesn't matter

[Image: f_informationm_f69ea98.jpg]

2. in Wallpaper tab, fill in your preprared wallpaper bmp

[Image: f_walltabm_dfd6ba6.jpg]

3. in last tab, 'others", fill in your preprared png icon and bmp preview

[Image: f_othersm_ee1375c.jpg]

4. in File menu, select "Export", give it a name as you want. remember this name. (eg. 390Applecor.ptf)

[Image: f_exportm_0e0e989.jpg]

5. After exporting, copy the new ptf into MS0:/cxmb folder

6. Edit file in MS0:/cxmb/conf.txt, change the ctf filename as your new theme then save, in this case, it will look like:


** preview ptf filename must be same ctf one **

7. Put your theme files under MS0:/cxmb, like


8. Reboot your PSP, you can see your MS LED flashing. After done, you will see PSP is booting with your theme.

here is the result:
[Image: f_themewallpam_e92ae16.jpg]

1. if there is no corresponding ptf under /cxmb, ctf cannot be built.
2. if system shutdown itself during building ctf, check your prx/rco version. incompatible version files results ctf building failure.

Tutoriol made by matchung
Nice guide :D
themeconv.rar [98.67 KB]
Error 404 Page not found! lool
akide Wrote:themeconv.rar [98.67 KB]
Error 404 Page not found! lool
Thanks akide!! fixxed both links!
thanks Vegetano1
reuploaded suport files now 3.71,3.80 and 3.90 suport files
nice tut! should i say that? -,-":blush:
matchung Wrote:nice tut! should i say that? -,-":blush:

Haha yes!!

;) thanks for the tut!!
nice tut indeed
some body know how can i decompile ctf theme?
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