Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Thieves charge victim 15000 XBL points
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Now this just sucks.

Quote:You might want to think twice about keeping your credit card information stored on your video game consoles, especially after reading the cautionary tale of one Xbox 360 owner who unwittingly bought 15,000 Microsoft Points for a bunch of thieves. The story of Clinton's bad luck combined with bad judgment is a bit of a scary one. The Canadian gamer writes that he was robbed to the tune of about $25,000 when someone broke into his residence, swiping his Xbox 360, games and computer equipment, as well as the keys to his truck.

But it's the Points he's pissed about.

While his insurance covered the majority of the loss, the one thing he couldn't recover was the hundreds of dollars in Microsoft Points charged to his credit card, via the information stored on his Live account. Oddly enough, he says he was talked out of canceling his credit card (bad, bad idea) by a customer service rep at his card company, resulting in someone else enjoying the entirety of NHL 08's downloadable content.

Unfortunately for Clinton, Xbox Live customer service reps told him that "it can take up to 30 days to remove credit card information from your account, and up to 5 years for that information to be purged from Microsoft servers." Might not be a bad idea to see if you can wrest some of that control back in your direction, folks.

The full harrowing tale is recounted at Evil Avatar's forums. I'm definitely going to check up on my stored financial info on my three current-gen consoles. Convenience be damned! Just kidding, I didn't mean that, Convenience. You know I still love you.

The actually story straight from the victim is here

Source: http://kotaku.com/368266/thieves-charge-...ve-account
damn, that's poo poo...
Ooooooo that is harsh!!!!!!
Holy poo poo. How much is 15000 points anyway??? Is there a way to delete your credit card off of your 360? I didn't know there was.
That makes me want to 'borrow' a 360.
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