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Full Version: A Wireless guitar hero controller...... wait what????
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[Image: gh-wireless-had.jpg]

That right, A person by the name of john (?) has made a wireless guitar hero controller for the ps3.  Now he has not posted the instructions for this sweet mod yet but as soon as he does Ill be sure to post it..

Here's what HackADay had to say about it

HackaDay Wrote:[John] sent in his PS3 wireless guitar hero project. The concept seems popular today. Hopefully he'll write up some instructions - but it looks pretty straight forward - he embedded a normal PS3 controller inside the body of the guitar hero controller. For now you can gaze upon the high res version. Update: He passed along a couple more shots of the project. Update2: Here's the instructables on building your own.

Via- - - http://www.hackaday.com/2007/04/04/wirel...ontroller/
i'd like that it seems pretty neat thing to have no damn wires!
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