Endless Paradigm

Full Version: BLEACH - Heat the Soul 5
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Pages: 1 2
Games like a Grrl Wrote:True enough.  I've only seen the first episode, though, I'm completely lost on the story.

Hey, back off, it's on mah list of things to do, I just never have time.  Hey, is it on Youtube?  Got to check.=, don't want to have to download.

i have no idea if its on youtube.... you could always watch the dub on adult swim... i think its on every night now like at midnight or 12:30.. something like that lol.... i don't know if its on youtube.. but theat would be fun to catch up.. its up to ep 164 now and most likely will break 200... woot ! i have every episode
MMzz. Bleach phails.. i finished the game in 1-2 hours =/ (1 char.. not all) because i can't even understand the storylines anwyays..
and there isn't any movies like in tekken...

So i dun expect anythign big coming out of Bleach 5 anwyays....
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