Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Sig ~ Organic Beauty
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I have made my first sig in a while [3 weeks liek] and as a different personality, new feeling, new styles, new ideas... Gongxi

Like I usually do, I take my time to make my signatures, and made sure it wasn't too small, and had extra feeling and impact to collide with the render to make the Signature the best I can make it!

So heres the result!..

~ Organic Beauty ~

[Image: f_SIGorganicbm_d47e4a3.png]

Comments greatly appreciated! ^_^

~ Senseito
Senseito Sakura Style!!

Inluv the sign!!
* Cyonix approves the previous message

looks good to me :D
I like the borders a lot. It matches the center picture. ^^  The fading etc.

Nice one!
OH WOW!! that's pretty secksy Senseito Sakura!! Peace
Sig is great.
The text is too awesome to be true.
As the others said, it's great Sensei! I like everything of it, you did a good job with the text and it has a nice warm feeling!
Thanks everyone, I appreciate every comment Flatterd
Widescreen Lol
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