Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Two random sigs!!!!!!
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Here are two random sigs I was just playing around with yesterday that are up for GRABS!!!!!

Spyro lol:

[Image: Spyrocopy.png]


[Image: dantequickcopy.png]

I will put your name on them if you want.......

Come and get them!!!
Spyro one is well cool, Dante is a bit too messy, but still good nevertheless.

Keep it up MehHakker!
They were just experiments :P Anyone can take them as they see fit.......thanks anyway :D
MehHakker Wrote:They were just experiments :P Anyone can take them as they see fit.......thanks anyway :D

You still made them, they should be after all made with the same thought process as your others despite the details being unique ^__^
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