Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Double posting
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hehe,.. but this is no joke!! Itchingsmile
^^ why stop v1.. start quadruple posting lol... that would be fun to merge together hehe.. j/k

zinga did you read my first post?

please do
no v1 should start quintiple posting
that way wee could jus delete all his quintiple posts lol
I never double post....cause I know were the edit button is at :p
The merge posts thing is probably a bug with one of my modifications.  The post is merged, however doesn't appear to be.  If you edit the post, then just submit changes, it will show up properly.
EDIT: I fixed the merge posts bug.

No double posting?
Oh crapz...
* ZiNgA BuRgA runz

EDIT: yes it works!! ;P
Yood betta runnn or mai jobb wouldd beee tooo borr...ing
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:The merge posts thing is probably a bug with one of my modifications.  The post is merged, however doesn't appear to be.  If you edit the post, then just submit changes, it will show up properly.
EDIT: I fixed the merge posts bug.

No double posting?
Oh crapz...
* ZiNgA BuRgA runz

* Shady yells at Zinga "Better Run!"

lol thanks zinga
The merging didn't work for me a while ago....hmmmmm maybe twas just a glitchy?
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