Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Salmon sperm used to intensify LEDs
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Pages: 1 2
engadget Wrote:[Image: 3-11-08-salmon-led.jpg]
See, the problem with bioengineering isn't moral or ethical dilemmas, or even homicidal robo-droids enslaving humanity. It's that if you let researchers go wild, eventually they'll find a way to make LEDs out of salmon sperm, threatening the sanctity (and sperm-free-ness) of your entire gadget-based lifestyle. Yet that's exactly what Professor Andrew Steckl of the University of Cincinnati has managed to do, using the DNA found in salmon sperm to enhance the brightness of LEDs. The so-called BioLEDs are being developed in cooperation with the Air Force (yes, the Air Force -- they had a "good source" of salmon sperm, apparently) and they've been so successful that Steckl has been getting salmon sperm from researchers worldwide "wanting to see if their sperm is good enough." Steckl says that since salmon sperm is considered a waste product of the fishing industry, BioLEDs are particularly green -- kind of like our faces right now.

you know... this is really fudgeed up
salmon sperm is considered a waste product of the fishing industry, BioLEDs are particularly green

why's weed green then?
urg imagine if you accidentally broke one ewwwww

oh it uses DNA ok then....how the hell does that work?? I'm not really against it though....
That's really weird. Wonder how they would actually use that to create better LED's.
dot dot dot
MehHakker Wrote:oh it uses DNA ok then....
GMO anyone?
Sparker Wrote:...
Lucky salmon.
Wolf Wrote:Lucky salmon.

Hehe Sperm bank for Salmon...  A couple thousands of salmon in the waiting room for some "Salmon hershey kisses"....
quite strange...
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