Hmm, wouldn't the following take care of that?
extensions.checkCompatibility | boolean set to false
extensions.checkUpdateSecurity | boolean set to false
i justed edited the version check on the instal .xpi also open the file with firefox to install it
I used beta 2 for a bit, but then it didn't have much support for the add-ons I wanted. I'm just gonna wait for the full release of 3.0 firefox.
cool but i ll wait for the first stable build aka full version and not a beta
Don't let the word "beta" scare you off.
if i got this would i have to install my addons again or will they already be there?
If you read the Welcome Site that greats you at beta it explains something.
That it isn't a beta - its actually a Release Candidate.
So this is ACTUALLY Firefox 3 RC4.
Its a matter of time before one of the RCs become Gold.