I used it to decrypt 3.40 vsh_main.prx a few days ago... But it won't work now :neutral:
It was working but not now?
Mate, I don't get it. It says "This game could not be started, the data is corrupted".
I've tried it in GAME, GAME 150 and GAME 340.
I can't think what I'm doing differently from last time?!?
Most apps go in the GAME150.
Do you have GAME and GAME150 folder in your MS at the same time?
What FW do you have?
I'm on 3.40OE - when I formatted the MS it put a GAME, GAME 150 and a GAME 340 folder in there... I just left them there.
I think I've been dummmmb again - I already had a decrypted vsh.prx and a vshmain.prx in vsh>nodule - PRXDecrypter wouldn't run until I removed vsh.prx and changed pspbtcnf.txt back to original...
Yeah, don't ask.