Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Hey tainted nights!!
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ok i want to have a 3 round battle (sigs only)

1st round i set the rules
2nd you guys set the rules

and if wee need a third round (tie breaker)

i will ask yoyo ballz to make the rules,
or wolf since he is neutral..

so do you want to battle?
YEAH!!!!! ME the leader of Tainted Nights accepts the challenge on behalf of Tainted Nights Graphics!!!!!
alright then

1st round

any size

with the theme of adult swim...

i would like to battle you mehhakker so

sigs due 24 hours from this post

well round up to the nearest hour..

if you don't know about adult swim check here

anything there you can use

good luck
YEAH!!!!! Coooooooool!!! Good luck to you too!!!!
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