Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Eva Unit 1 Line Drawing V1
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No Photoshop has been used on this..... and I drew it freehand.....and has just been scanned in....

Yeah anyways.... - doing this for my art sketchbook but I felt like posting it here:
[Image: unfinishedevaheadcopy.png]

I was gonna put it in the Anime and Manga section but I didn't cause its a drawing......

I just wanted you to view it.....
I may also be posting some of my artwork here now cause all of you are really good critics and always give more ways to improve an image.....

This is just the FIRST stage By the way so don't say that it needs colour and whatnot right now.......


C&C Please XD Flatterd
i want to see it finished , but ...

so far so good..

now finish it!!
I'm gonna finish it tomorow cause I have all day free to spend my time on it :D
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