Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW #28 -- B&W
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i made a new one for myself and it happens to be black and white so i figure why not enter.. i don't really get in on the SOTW anyway so i should start.. probably not my best work though lol.. i should do a little more in the black areas but the vector looks nice.. good enough for me
[Image: azu-new.jpg]


Great entries, everyone!
あずみ Wrote:i made a new one for myself and it happens to be black and white so i figure why not enter.. i don't really get in on the SOTW anyway so i should start.. probably not my best work though lol.. i should do a little more in the black areas but the vector looks nice.. good enough for me
[Image: azu-new.jpg]


OMG!! Its azumi! :D

Nice sig. Peace
YAY Azumi entered!!! :D
あずみ Wrote:i made a new one for myself and it happens to be black and white so i figure why not enter.. i don't really get in on the SOTW anyway so i should start.. probably not my best work though lol.. i should do a little more in the black areas but the vector looks nice.. good enough for me
[Image: azu-new.jpg]


[Image: sotwblackwhitecopyah3.png]


ok i made a quick entry

YAY u_c entered!!!!
yeah lol v1 kinda convinced me to cause i was bored so i made a quick lil entry
Warning: ~13 hours remaining to enter

im going to close entry time earlier this time... voting's gonna start at 6:30 AM (if my alarm clock doesn't go dead on me... <_<)

Already submitted sigs: 12

deep Wrote:lol u don't know me, i been away from ep for a whilllle now..that was because of exams lol but now hopefully im back and should be more active, im guessing u joined while i was away? but yeh im not really the guy who can be assed to flame or argue unless its somethin i really care about lol so don't worry about it :D
i do remember you... i were here before you left... but still, it was just a warning that i was NOT going to allow flamings, it was more of a "just in case"
Bit of a last minute entry for me here, but here goes! Great entries guys, there's loads of entries this week!

[Image: Superman.png]


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