Endless Paradigm

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omg yay! Hihi
happy 100k EP!
* dedat pulls out EP's to do list:

1) 200 000 posts
2) 2nd anniversary
3) offer to buy yahoo for ~$75bn
4) Buy out Microsoft
5) expand the void to the Earths surface area.
desuuu =)
yeah desufication of the world should be added
isn't buying microsoft a bit too much? XD
Dupain Wrote:isn't buying microsoft a bit too much? XD

nah, to little if you ask me

Wee should make an Endless Paradigm OS. And then wee buy Yahoo! and Microsoft. Peace
michaelp Wrote:Wee should make an Endless Paradigm OS. And then wee buy Yahoo! and Microsoft. Peace

Yeah that would be great!!!!
michaelp Wrote:Wee should make an Endless Paradigm OS. And then wee buy Yahoo! and Microsoft. Peace

Or wee can buy redhat linux, and work out a deal with the ubuntu people (as i respect them) and mix it with microsoft to create the ultimate EP OS. why start from scratch when you have mutli billion dollar companies working for you who have been doing the same thing for years?

Added to the todolist
- take over the world
- desufy the world and rename the Earth to the Void
- build a white house, paint it green and make it glow in the dark

Back Ontopic: happy 100 000 post day EP!
all hail the void, for the void is king

seriously, I'm just glad I could do my part to help out here by starting the SOTW (damn class schedule's all that keeps me from taking back the SOTW........but it appears to be in good hands anyway, so I'm happy :D )

and keep up the good work, Zinga!!

* Cyonix gives many cookies to Zinga


* Cyonix is unsure whether to thank Sparker or beat him senseless for the constant desu spamming..........
* roberth thanks sparker, and tigerfan should as well

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