Epic Thread.
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Epic Forums.
EP Saved Us All!!
Thank you EP!
To 200,000!
happy 100,000 POST!! YAY =^______^=!! though the party took place when i was at school =>.≥
Dupain Wrote:happy 100,000 POST!! YAY =^______^=!! though the party took place when i was at school =>.≥
I was at school when I got the 100,000th post :D
awww!! =>≤ that's not fair. i had computer class today but wee still don't get access to computers at school yet! =T.T= i could have been here!! grrr!! die school!!
type iseedeadpeople and post the reply to get 10,000 posts added!!!
I remember coming here when it was first started. It was because of your amazing popstation gui Zinga!!!
EP really has grown larger than I ever thought, and I find myself coming here more everyday, and forgetting about max, qj and the others.
I like this site, and the rules (or lack thereof

) and Zinga's principals are what bring me back.
Sparker Wrote:ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:The development of "desu"
For that, wee can thank Sparker for his initial (and constant) desu spamming.
oh so that's who started that!!! lol now i know who to blame hahaha