that depends on what the file is
text files can be compressed a lot while some music and video files don't get compressed as much
It's a 519,965bytes picture file called mindfuck.gif.
A 4 image gif sequence, consisting of: A black and white picture of a forest and the words "Mindfuck, when you see it you'll spoon bricks", and another 3 images consisting a guy holding up a pancake to his face, saying rawr.
Couldn't be bothered attaching the file. The discription and file size should be proof enough.
I win.
by the way, some very interesting things you did there :)
nicely done :) will make a harder one
u_c_taker Wrote:that depends on what the file is
text files can be compressed a lot while some music and video files don't get compressed as much
One of the facts compression relies on is that, in ascii, a letter A or B takes up the same amount of disk space as some symbol. So by taking some basic text and dividing it over all the available symbols, you save space (this isn't how it actually works but its one way to explain a part of it)
moar bump is what it needs!
Yeah I'm not gonna try it cause I'll phail hardddddd!!!!!!