Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] SchiDeLoaDeR XMB Theme 4.01m33
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Extreme, Man, Wicked stuff
i use now as .ctf file Specky :
[Image: screenshot021-3.jpg]
..but originall in flash is armiacore Peace
Wow man...
Amazing work  :)
This is truly great stuff   :D
NIce :D!! I was looking for a side xmb sorta theme :D
Nice!! nother power theme release !!

looks awesome!! Inluv the icon's!!
WOW that looks great!!!!!! I love the icons!!!

now i have a reason to put 3.90m33 on my psp. I'm still on 3.71.

by the way? what's .ctf?
ctf is like ptf file theme.. but to work fully ctf file u need CXMB enabled in recovery mode
If you have that..then copy any Defalut.ctf to ms0:/PSP/THEME/Defalut.ctf-restart psp &..wuala !
it is cool
Awesome work SchmilK  Peace
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