Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Air Shower Removes Germs, Dignity
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Quote[Image: Manner_Jet.jpg]In the land of the rising sun, germs are a concern. That's why this $15,900 "air shower" actually exists there, forcing despondent salarymen to subject themselves to a crazy wind tunnel that sucks the pollen and germs out of hiding in their various creases and crevasses before they enter an office building.

It seems kind of effective, but I prefer the American method of just wiping your snot on your sleeve. Different strokes, I guess.

- Source: [Gizmodo]
that is by far one of the most ridiculous inventions i have ever seen
beaner2k6 Wrote:that is by far one of the most ridiculous inventions i have ever seen
True :rofl:
just don't do any wierd stuff and you won't get sick?? and if ya do, yay a day off?

guess its because all the asian guys like to spit, really disgusting not like normal spit but clear their throat into their mouth very loudly and then spit out all the slime and spoon that's accumulated in their lungs from the healthy chinese air.

and sars

if someone has a cold, they wear a face mask to work (like surgeons wear). i see it all the time
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