Endless Paradigm

Full Version: music rating section idea
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id say rather then making the thread a poll

why don't wee just rate the thread

that way the song are automatically average in the rating

not just
ok it  got 3 one star rating 2 five star rating and 1 two star raring which make it a .....

4 star song?????

what do you guys think?
good idea, the rating part isn't accessible enough, though.
ya sounds like a good idea man!
Sensei Seito Wrote:good idea, the rating part isn't accessible enough, though.

its at the bottom of every thread on the right ,just below the quick reply
That is a tough one because there are faults either way......
Sensei Seito Wrote:good idea, the rating part isn't accessible enough, though.

its at the bottom of every thread on the right ,just below the quick reply

Exactly ¬¬
zinga might know a trick to put it on top or something

zinga is awesome, but might not have time...
How about there?
that's very nice Zinga :) - it might just work, I wonder what Ge64 makes of the idea
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:How about there?

see i knew zingy could through something together,

yeah it really is up to ge i guess
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