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Full Version: adjusting xmenu in justfonts 3.90
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PSP 1001 Phat 3.90m33-2
Genuine Sony 8gb MS
Justfonts 3.90m33 by Blessedhands

When changing my font ( ltn0.pgf ) from the justfonts included font, back to the default psp font I my xmenu position is too far to the left (off the screen half way) as shown in this image:
[Image: snap007bt1.png]

So, to resolve that I adjusted the xmenu potion to -175 to make it centered.
When I click on any suboption from the XMB menu, ie I click [config] and system settings, then the xmb menu slides to the left and gets stuck there, I back out of the settings and the xmb menu stays pushed to the left (as shown in attached image)...

My goal is to center everything, the xmb menu, the sub-options menus (ie system settings, or memory stick, etc)... I would like to position the time/date at the top right and the battery at the top left... Perhaps even change the font colors to something besides solid white or solid black to something more like gray or a color which could be easier to read on all background colors/brightnesses...

What values do I need to adjust?
Is anyone able to help me out with these issues?
Thanks! Try

Just after posting this BlessedHands replied to me and said he'll be making a revised version for me which should take care of the issues myself and others had when changing the font to something more standard... Can't wait for it!!
i have this too..when i flashed or used CXMB i have the same looking screenshot like you!
weird Sadist
silly me, waste few hrs to figure it out how can fix it.

1. search in vshmain.prx, replace those -315 floating to about -295
2. increase the text labels for the main icon (setting/photo...) about 30~40 whitespace in topmenu_plugin.rco

[Image: snap035pk2.jpg]
matchung Wrote:silly me, waste few hrs to figure it out how can fix it.

1. search in vshmain.prx, replace those -315 floating to about -295
2. increase the text labels for the main icon (setting/photo...) about 30~40 whitespace in topmenu_plugin.rco

[Image: snap035pk2.jpg]

I appreciate you looking into that for me, matchung!
Only... I did the correction on float -315 to float -295
Couldn't figure out how to change the text labels you spoke of... So I was back where I started sorta... It looks as though you successfully did it from those images... Could you link me the corrected files? vshmain.prx and topmenu_plugin.rco ? Or if you could link the whole fixed justfonts that would be great! looks like you moved the time back up to the top right, which is preferable... :)
You could also play in paf and modify
1A42C8  Text position of settings menu
1A4290  Text position of submenu text in settings
1A42E8  Space between the settings text and the option (which should bring your nickname closer to the label Nickname)
matchung Wrote:here you are http://www.mediafire.com/?ssbmqej3azw

Thank you, very much Matchung! The position looks great, though my suboptions fonts are all gray now which makes it very difficult to read on almost every background, unless I use a black wave, but that would sacrifice my high res wallpaper... I appreciate the help! :)

SchmilK Wrote:You could also play in paf and modify
1A42C8  Text position of settings menu
1A4290  Text position of submenu text in settings
1A42E8  Space between the settings text and the option (which should bring your nickname closer to the label Nickname)

Ok, would those allow me to move the submenus all towards the middle of the screen?
What offset needs to be corrected to make the font color of the submenu item in focus white? it is currently gray, need to fix that. Thanks SchmilK! by the way, great job on your recent XMB, if you were to remove some of the icons (like the gears, camera, speakers, controller, etc) to make the theme low spec to allow a bug-free high res wallpaper + wave function... That'd be sweet! Thanks alot guys!

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