Endless Paradigm

Full Version: hey zinga
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Pages: 1 2
why did you remove the site name changer? Sadist

that was epic, and it provided many lulz Peace
It caused confusion?
it was luls
it indeed generated random lulz
site name changer?
NIGathan Wrote:site name changer?

Yeah I remember Erotic?
Yeah, awhile ago ZB put random names for the site where the initals are still EP
He did it to screw up google or something along those lines.
Yeah and one of my suggestions turned into the site name!!!!! Why o why did you remove it???? [/cry] XD
i think i like it better this way
too much luls get boring and a lil annoying after a while
it wasn't kewl when it said erotic paradise... cause when ever i had my browser minimized it would say erotic paradise on my taskbar
Pages: 1 2
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