Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] NervOS 1.0
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After 2 months of hard work, NervOS 1.0 is finished.
NervOS is a shell which has the following features:
* Image Viewer
* Mp3 Player
* Can execute homebrew
* Can execute ISO's/CSO's
* Can execute UMD's
* Can load prx plugins (it is not finished so weird things may happen)
* USB Mode
* Shows the current time
* Shows the battery life percentage
* Take screenshots (press Select)

The menu works like the XMB, you can cycle through it with the right and left arrows.
The mp3 player works like the menu.

[Image: screenshot1mn1.png]
Mp3 Player:-
[Image: screenshot2ce9.png]
Usb Mode:
[Image: screenshot3lh1.png]

[Download: NervOS 1.0]

This will be my entry for 2008 PSP Hacks homebrew competition. I will keep releasing updates.
For more information check the included readme.

Beta testers:
* jo3_sum (thank you so much)
* Zapp
if you could make the mp3 player play ogg and had usb flash and umd access this would be win
Will the screenshot ability retain in game mode aswell as in the shell?

If so, fudgeing epic application
And im guessing its for 3.xx kernels?
@squee, the next version should have that ;) I have already been working on that but Haven't finished it so I did not included it in 1.0

@roberth, it does not retain in game mode but that's a very nice idea !! it should work on 2.xx and 3.xx kernels.
it reminds me of the recovery menu
i think its good Though
(i wonder, could you make a custom recovery menu ?
with lots of features and it looks good i would like that)
so this has been the secret project :D  Very impressive!!!
Also, tis nice to see a shell that actually does something, most shells do lua games if your lucky...
this is nice! keep it up seems like irshell. hope you win bro on the competition.
Very nice work Pirata.
wow another great homebrew from nervo :D
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