Endless Paradigm

Full Version: oops i just deleted a thread
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lawl i didnt want to do that.. double you tee eff :P i can't undelete it
Really?  This one?
No one will post in this thread

I've done it, but PSP General???
yeah that one
i dno how i did it
suxx i try not to mod too many threads because i don't want someones wrath to be directed at moi
~squints~ how do you oops a deleation?
"Accidentally" open the thread, then "accidentally" move your mouse over the delete button, then "accidentally" hit the left mouse button, then "accidentally" move your mouse to the Yes button, then "accidentally" hit the left mouse button again, then "accidentally" wait for the page to load.
no i was reading it
and then i thought
lets do zinga a favor and delete all the posts again while hes away
and i pressed the X button @ the start post
and i don't beleive it asked me for any confirm
and then it was gone :P
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