Endless Paradigm

Full Version: WTF is going on?
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Games like a Grrl Wrote:Hai.  

Go 'way.

bwahhhhhhhhhhhh me?

are you talking to me?

i know your not talking to me....


really, me?

* !NWP NEKCUF I go's 'way

* !NWP NEKCUF I then just breaks in through a window....
* beaner2k6 picks up what's left of !NWP NEKCUF I after going through the wood-chipper trap in the window
* !NWP NEKCUF I fools beaner, that's actually games in pieces .....O.O
* beaner2k6 resurrects games like a girl
* games like a grrl picks up boomstick, random violence ensues.
Hi Penguin who drinks from a juicebox.
yo yo epic join!!! welcome to the best site ever!!!!

Why hi thar!!!!!!!

Howd aret youez?
LOL - His Standing is "Spammers" lolz..... its not everyday someone knows how to use /*me right off
I like green eggs and ham


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