06/03/2008, 10:46 AM
I was thinking, if wee had a "Music Reviews" Subforum for the Music Forum wee could have Singles rated via poll from 0-5 Stars based on its [un]official YouTube Video. Also people can do reviews on albums if they like, and it won't get mixed in with the General Music Discussions as there are many tracks to be reviewed...
Exactly why I came up with the idea - because its the least used Forum on EP - and I DOUBT that all of us sit in front of our Displays listening to whatevers happening around us.. loads of us like Music, but if wee were all going to talk about it, it would get quite messy considering the range of music wee listen to.
Lets get these beats goin, at let us judge them
~ Senseeeeeeito
Exactly why I came up with the idea - because its the least used Forum on EP - and I DOUBT that all of us sit in front of our Displays listening to whatevers happening around us.. loads of us like Music, but if wee were all going to talk about it, it would get quite messy considering the range of music wee listen to.
Lets get these beats goin, at let us judge them

~ Senseeeeeeito