Man, I absolutely love this show. I catch it whenever I see it's on. They tried robbing a police station today
Anyone else a fan of this show? I need to get all the episodes. It is just so awesome.
is it one of those reality shows where they show actual crime. i love those shows man.
yeah i ve seen this.. isn't it a 3 man crew?
Yes, great show.
I haven't seen that police station ep.
Goshi - The mod who drives the moving truck
Yeah, it is a reality show that has the guys tell their victim they will do it at some time in the near future, and then they sometimes do it before the person gets back, or they'll pull the person aside and let them see what happens, and then the guys go to work. It is anywhere from 1-4 burglars at once, and they almost always change it up. Sometimes they'll have 2 guys inside and 2 women outside acting like guests out in the yard to deter attention, or there'll be 3 guys completely disguised out of site, or they'll make it look like a moving company or something.
It is always entertaining. They then go over the total amount they 'borrowed', and price everything, including the estimated black market price or pawn shop price on some things. Then they go in and completely COMPLETELY update the entire place with LOADS of security, such as reinforced windows and almost unbreakable doors and very hard locks and code systems and cameras and such. They also often change up how they do the security from house to house according to what is really needed. Then they tell the victim they will be back at some time in the future to try breaking in again to see if the victim has been using their security correctly, usually between 3 days and 3 weeks, or so. It really is cool to watch the tricks and drama that happens.
In the police station episode, they mapped out the joint, pretending to be a reporter for a magazine to get on the inside, and then spent a few days taking tabs on the schedule of the cops and when they have shift changes and fewest people around. The night they hit it, there was only one person inside, at the dispatch, and they just infiltrated it from 2 different spots. In one spot, they went to the circuit breaker, so that they could get past the dispatcher. They turned off the power and turned it back on, which got the dispatcher to go look at the circuit breaker room, at which time the robbers closed and locked the door behind the dispatcher so he was locked out of the police station XD
Very cool stuff. I always enjoy it. It comes on The Discovery Channel.
sounds exciting, gonna go search
interesting - nothing new shows in Spain though >:3
yeah its on discovery.. at like 5 or 6 pm eastern here.. its all re-runs now so i don't watch it as much.. i like when they rob the girls dorm house with them in it and don't get caught.. and how dude goes in there and smashes people house up and they are watching it like i can't believe he flipped my bed over hahaha
Watched it two days ago and sorry for this but i didn't like one bit, I thought it was boring and unreal