Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Problem with paf.prx
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I changed the number..but my xmb doesn't change..have I to fix something???? I've edited paf.prx.   I'm on 3.80-5 m33 FromaboveFromabove
ive changed hundreds of numbers and my xmb doesn't change either.  :(

problem is you need to change the CORRECT offset for what you want to move
in paf.prx opened with XMBeditor u can change "distance between main and sub icons". I've changed it but currently i don't see any results! Althoug..changin "distance between sub icons" i see my xmb changed.
now yer talkin...yeah that offset doesn't seem to give an effect in 3.90 anymore :(
No one can resolve my problem??? anyone?????
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