... hey people, im bored sitting at a firends house and just remembed that i had a blog. Cool huh???
what's up?
Not much. I'm bored, trying to find some good PSP games that don't get old after 5 minutes, and I have to go back to school tomorrow after a semi-fun day off today.
well this week is my last week at my current job, since im quitting. personally im just killing time until the march 9th when smash bros. comes out, followed by the march break which is gonna include a hell of a lot of drinking and even more wii
metalgear08 Wrote:Not much. I'm bored, trying to find some good PSP games that don't get old after 5 minutes, and I have to go back to school tomorrow after a semi-fun day off today.
Patapon. Silent Hill Origins. Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max.
Hai YoYO.
Shove your turkey up your donkey
Not before I shove that ham down your throat.
* YoYoBallz asks Wolf why his nose is bleeding.
Wolf checks his his nose is really bleeding.
* YoYoBallz punch's Wolf in the nose.
Wolf's nose starts bleeding.
* YoYoBallz runs
* Wolf runs after YoYo
* Wolf gets ahead of YoYo
* Wolf trips YoYo with his leg
* Wolf beats up YoYo
* Wolf then gets a codfish, then shoves it up so far up YoYo's donkey, he tastes it.
* Wolf claims victory.