Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Desu vs Nyuu
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I dunno if this thread exist or not.. but I read Zinga's sig and thought its a good one!

So pic!

Nyu desu!!!!
merged, moved, fixed 'n funkeh....

Aethist (screw speling) Dream For the win.
what happens if i vote for both?
roberth Wrote:what happens if i vote for both?

ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
roberth Wrote:what happens if i vote for both?


ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
roberth Wrote:what happens if i vote for both?


that's the answer!!! its hath been so freaking obvious!! Both Desu and Nyuu are actually derived from "desyuu!" they are like siblings! there is no rivalry between them!!!

I voted both...
I voted both way before, but now that i know what Nyuu actually is.. NYUU!!!!
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