Professor Fate Wrote:my response is going to be the same as it was on consolespot.
this is my job, it's called a small business. After spending over 30 hours of my time on this theme, and letting people use it for free, you think it's to much to ask for some help paying for a slim?
and i will give you the same response here
ppl make these themes spend mths doing it and ask for
nothing why you so special
like i said donate to the real hard workers
that have spent the last year making this possible for you
dark alex team M-33
not some would be theme maker changes a few icons and thinks
he is a god.
like i said before get job send you donations to dark alex
"stuff like this is what's killing the scene"
0i8U2 Wrote:Professor Fate Wrote:my response is going to be the same as it was on consolespot.
this is my job, it's called a small business. After spending over 30 hours of my time on this theme, and letting people use it for free, you think it's to much to ask for some help paying for a slim?
and i will give you the same response here
ppl make these themes spend mths doing it and ask for
nothing why you so special
like i said donate to the real hard workers
that have spent the last year making this possible for you
dark alex team M-33
not some would be theme maker changes a few icons and thinks
he is a god.
like i said before get job send you donations to dark alex
"stuff like this is what's killing the scene"
that's not true. the only theme that took out side of a month to make this theme was MCE and skyfox asked for donations as well.
the thing is with this theme I edited the control panels I put the extra time to make sure that everything worked right, ah and here is the problem with out a slim I can't check to make sure that everything is working on the slim as well.
Professor Fate Wrote:0i8U2 Wrote:Professor Fate Wrote:my response is going to be the same as it was on consolespot.
this is my job, it's called a small business. After spending over 30 hours of my time on this theme, and letting people use it for free, you think it's to much to ask for some help paying for a slim?
and i will give you the same response here
ppl make these themes spend mths doing it and ask for
nothing why you so special
like i said donate to the real hard workers
that have spent the last year making this possible for you
dark alex team M-33
not some would be theme maker changes a few icons and thinks
he is a god.
like i said before get job send you donations to dark alex
"stuff like this is what's killing the scene"
that's not true. the only theme that took out side of a month to make this theme was MCE and skyfox asked for donations as well.
the thing is with this theme I edited the control panels I put the extra time to make sure that everything worked right, ah and here is the problem with out a slim I can't check to make sure that everything is working on the slim as well.
and this is why there is heaps of beta testers around
the apple core was the first to change the hole look of custom themes
it would have taken many hours to do but they never asked for money to
make for differant firmwares nor has anyone else
if ppl are silly enough to donate to you then they
deserve to be ripped of
your theme is nice but not worth paying for
well then I guess it's just you against the hundreds of people using my theme. feel free to argue it out with them over at consolespot.
Professor Fate Wrote:well then I guess it's just you against the hundreds of people using my theme. feel free to argue it out with them over at consolespot.
once again i never at anytime
said anything bad about your theme i like it very much
very nice,awesome well done this is what it deserves not donations
but like you said yourself you
have got $1 dollar so far (overwhelming response)
which should goto this site for giving you the tools to make it possible
for you to do your work
get off yourself mate
I never stated how much money I have received. I said that all it would take is for 200 people to donate 1 dolor out of the hundreds who have downloaded it.
arguing with you is not worth my time, but I will not let you spread lies about me.
If people use it, i think they should donate if they choose too. There's nothing wrong with that
This an Awesome theme.Thanks
Well you two should stop now talking about donations and stuff like that,mostly no flames alowed in here,so i say it once again , stay on topic please or i delete posts.And make atleast some constructive criticism...
What someone did is done ,if professor ask for donation whoever consider he got money to spend if he want he can donate...but remember nobody is telling you donate if you like this theme ,or even money for download, and actually professor i don't think you should take theme making like job...its only fun.
PD : make it for 3.90 Please :)
thank you. I would actually prefer if that argument was deleted.
lol,.. i think i am gonne post a donate button too,. for my foster's theme,. hehe,.!1
Professor Fate nice theme!!