Endless Paradigm

Full Version: A Real Bluetooth Controlled Car
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Source: YouTube

QuoteThere's a slight chance this is an April Fools gag, but apparently some guys rigged up a Nokia Series 60 phone to control an old car via Bluetooth. Not as cool as when Michael Knight (wee've got him on the brain apparently) or James Bond did it, but hell, they're controlling a car from a phone. It doesn't get any more bad donkey than that.

The app is simple and just allows steering, brake, and gas. That's pretty much all you need, really, save for an emergency stop once the car gets out of Bluetooth range. You wouldn't want it to keep on going. Someone could lose a torso (those are important).

- Source: [Gizmodo]
cool, umm this should be one of those neat things in the portal page :)
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