Endless Paradigm

Full Version: post ur GO!Messenger usernames
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squee, i can't figure out how to put an underscore in the "add contact" section, so can you just send me an invite?
My username :deckboi904
username:  madc0wpsp  (someone 'borrowed' madc0w already)
-no accessories-
user name . james2208
nick names. james22693
nickname: dedat19
accessories: none yet

@squee, how the hell did you manage to get an underscore in? i can't add you, will you add me please?
EDIT: nevermind, i found the underscore >.>
Username: Demonchild4life

Nothing to talk with yet...
my go messenger name is jg150 or i think it is , there was a lot of forms.
username- cannon0014
nickname- cannon0014

accesories- headset
name: fabiokazu
accessories: two hands, ten fingers, one mouth and two eyes

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