Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW #26 -- VOTING
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Brittany Wrote:
Kaiser Wrote:
Brittany Wrote:If I can vote for two of them I would!!
Its wayyyy wayyyyy to hard for me to decide!!

coin tossing perhaps?

But then the vote wouldnt come from my heart...Aha

It would be coin done!
AH to hard! No!
Must leave thread!


also, just for curiosity, which are the 2 sigs? if it can be known...
I don't want to say it out loud.
Because I don't want anyone to feel bad.

Im not that type of person. >____<
BUT maybe just maybe... Before voting is done...

Ill be able to choose only one...

reason: because its bad donkey that's y Specky

i didnt get to enter Sadist
ok, hope you don't mind wolf but i edited your post with the poll and put in the results according to your first post.
i put the sigs in the same order so there is no confusion.
will you just check it all and make sure it is all correct and again, i hope you don't mind that i edited your post.

Ontopic: the last one got my vote
%^^^ peoples who already voted can't see the results now,.!?
since the polls are working... do i re-cast my vote or what? ...
boogschd Wrote:since the polls are working... do i re-cast my vote or what? ...

Nope, dedat has added every vote from the voting earlier.

Vegetano1 Wrote:%^^^ peoples who already voted can't see the results now,.!?

i made it a public poll so all you have to do is click on the "show results" link.
its on the bottom right if the poll, you may not be able to see it clearly if you are using the default theme as it blends in so i took a screenshot for ya to show you where it is.
[Image: 7e7e99e5d5.jpg]
i voted for wolf cause it looked slick and i liked the lighting
Wolf Wrote:
boogschd Wrote:since the polls are working... do i re-cast my vote or what? ...

Nope, dedat has added every vote from the voting earlier.



i must resist ...

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