Endless Paradigm

Full Version: weird / me glitch
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Syfe Wrote:yeah so if you guys don't want somebody esle in your post then create a fail safe.

if someone edits your post they can just take the /me code out though...
* boogschd doesn't see these glitches ...

@mehhakker ... i think

Thanx = thanks

is just a word filter :D

This happened to me before when I noticed a couple of boogs posts had is saying my name.
boogschd Wrote:* boogschd doesn't see these glitches ...

@mehhakker ... i think

Thanx = thanks

is just a word filter :D

But it's soooooo annoying!!!! When I want a capital it has a small case!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH Nana-oNana-oSadist
MehHakker Wrote:But it's soooooo annoying!!!! When I want a capital it has a small case!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH Nana-oNana-oSadist

that's what you get ... bossman Burning
BOSSMAN to the rescue duh duh naaaaaah Fromabove
Okay okay, the capital thingy should be fixed now.

I think the /me glitch has something to do with my preparser - I'll take a look.
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