Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Beware of spamwave from Gmail addresses
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Spammers have succeeded in cracking Gmail's CAPTCHA system, the system that prevents bots from registering accounts because you have to copy the letters below into the textbox (you know). This is quite a win for spammers, and not the good kind of spammers. Gmail is very unlikely to be blacklisted for anyone, and could be annoying if it is, but now that spambots can register addresses by the thousands chances are, sPa/\/\ is going to come from gmail soon.

- Source: [Ars Technica]
it was always just a matter of time....
lol @ gmail
* Wolf puts condom on Gmail account.
Wolf Wrote:* Wolf puts condom on Gmail account.

Hahahahahaha Hihi

* MehHakker put spamicide on the condom
Well, most spammers use fake email addresses, so the source address was never really the issue (I can easily send an email pretending to be from any @gmail.com or whatever).
Interesting I guess, but I don't think this will start a new wave of sPa/\/\ or anything...
Google has become self-aware.

So its more likely Google will adapt.
By the way, it was way harder to crack Gmail's captcha than Hotmail's, which was a breeze ;)
I just noticed the first gmail sPa/\/\ slip through our smoothwall v3 with dspam filter :X

06.03.2008 07:44 stokes.lidcxpi@gmail.com  Seelye, look through the letters.  Delivered
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