Endless Paradigm

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A contact lens filled with electronics could give you night vision, zoom power, and more.

[Image: 122rabbitlensA550x413.jpg]
[Image: 122lenshand550x542.jpg]
Quote:Researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle have developed a prototype contact lens that incorporates an imprinted electronic circuit and lights. The prototype is a step toward creating a form of bionic vision, the researchers say.

The researchers say the flexible lens is biologically safe and was worn by rabbits for up to 20 minutes with no adverse effects. Along with a circuit, the prototype contains red LEDs for a display, though it does not yet light up. The display could potentially create a surface for Web surfing in midair, flash a vehicle's speed to a driver, or immerse someone in a virtual world, the university said.

The prototype lens does not correct vision, but the researchers say that it could someday offer "visual aids" to help people with vision problems.

Don't expect to get one of these from your optometrist anytime soon, though. Babak Parviz, a professor of electrical engineering who is leading the research, called the prototype a "very small step" toward a completed lens. Still, Parviz is optimistic that creating a version with a basic display just a few pixels wide should happen "fairly quickly."

Credit: University of Washington

Yahoo movie:


Major prob is the wireless power suply,.. duh,. lol
oh god the world is just going to get creepier and creepier lol
Nice find,

It's look cool as fudge,

I want one,
wow only 20 minutes of wear time so far LOL  

it is scary
Reminds a little of [Image: 41PcjH99A1L._AA240_.jpg]
Hehe watch to be scared of!? its a contact lens,.? just like an ear piece!?

Don't really think it is bionic,.. like some kind of implant,..
i know, but just imagine what kinds of crazy sci-fi twists this technology could take in thirty years. big brother will be watching us through digitally enhanced eyes...
%^^^ haha yeah that's creepy!! Hihi

judgment day is close...
boogschd Wrote:judgment day is close...
one can only hope
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