Endless Paradigm

Full Version: bank intrest went down
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andrewcc Wrote:why did the interest rate go down? why?!!!!!!!!!!!!

i dunno but it sucks balls
Nocturnal Wrote:Wow....you take the internet too seriously

lmfao i know
yeah, well, what ya gonna do?
roberth Wrote:yeah, well, what ya gonna do?

nothing lol
besides it should be taken seriously
Its Serious Business! this thar internetses
roberth Wrote:besides it should be taken seriously
Its Serious Business! this thar internetses

lmfao i know it is serious business lmfao jk
it is very serious. this is the e.p economy were talking about not crapassed fudgeing sites like bebo!!!!!!!!!!!

beaner2k6 Wrote:

I agree!!!

roberth Wrote:
beaner2k6 Wrote:

I agree!!!

if only the world would agree like wee do there'd be no more killing and violence
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