Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [CONVERSION] PSP Sony Walkman Style 3.9 m33
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Hello !Hi
This is my next small mix & conversion..now from 3.30 oe-a to 3.9 m33

PSP Sony Walkman Style :
(this is old screen from 3.30 oe-a)
[Image: screenshot026-2.png]
(..and this is screen from now on-3.9 m33)
[Image: pic-1.gif]
[Image: download.gif]
Oryginal icon battery is added from old theme(pic.1)
This theme don't have also radio & go! icons !

Enjoy this oldies! Ahaa
lulz . walkman cybershot PSP next :twisted:
Nice!!!! Ahaa Thanks for this!!!!
sounds like a PTF
nope..this is RCO files..i don't use PTF's (sucks!)

i likes!
that is really cool
That's kill my Slim :'(
No problem, I unbricked :D
I1m sad, because this is the best theme, what I seen everything...
Soory for English, I'm Hungarian :D:D:D
I got a semi-brick with my PSP as well

the RCOs are okay

its the PRX files that are causing the problem
I love this theme, im gonna ad it now to my PSP!
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