Endless Paradigm

Full Version: im gonna rep everyone who posts here
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i repped u rockhead
games like a grrl gets +rep from me
Yay!  Right back at 'cha, dood.
uc i repped u too
thanks rockhead and games like a grrl
u_c_taker Wrote:thanks rockhead and games like a grrl

thank u lolSpecky
u_c_taker Wrote:i raped u rockhead
rockhead Wrote:uc i raped u too
u_c_taker Wrote:games like a grrl gets rape from me

O.o What's with the massive raping? Can I join?

* Kaiser unzips and starts raping
lol kaiser
weird, it doesn't let me rape ppl...

i disabled adblock and noscript and still


well, you all got saved from being raped by me
come on people i am still repping so post in this thread
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