Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [VOTING]SOTW # 25
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You know how it goes, so DO EET! Specky

NOTE: Nebster and Rockhead, the code consist of the IMG code, not the image link alone
I had pity on you and added the missing code, but you could be DQ'd in the future for not doing the code correctly
I can't see the poll?
polls up now

its that you must do the thread first and the poll later
ohh ok
I voted for tigerfan
Voted for whoever the fudge made that.

[Image: robosigfinalde0.png]
Wolf Wrote:Voted for whoever the fudge made that.

[Image: robosigfinalde0.png]

That's Nebster's

oh the irony, i was thinking of DQ'ing him for the incorrect code, as well as rockhead, but i had pity on them lol
Sie Tigerfan is back!!

well i voted the one for best fx

now nebsters DID look cool, and if the other sig there (with the red robot) wasn't there then i would have voted for him

its just that the sig was too confusing and to follow for me, so i chose the red robot for its great blend of colors and fx
My votes in. Woo
voted the toy
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