Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 3.30 OE Custom firmware coming in 2-3 days!!!!!!!!
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Now this is what I like to hear :yipi: :yipi: :yipi: :yipi: :yipi: :yipi: :yipi: :yipi: :yipi:

QJ Wrote:PSP-Generation claims Dark_Alex's planning to push 3.30 OE custom firmware out the receiving door within "48-72 hours". Given the timings between the news on April 1 (it's just a calendar date, after all), and the 3.30 decrypter, this claim is quite credible on the best analysis.

The devil is in the details, though. PSP-Gen explains that Dark_Alex found 3.30 using up quite a lot of the PSP's flash memory, which is complicating efforts to add bonus functions. Hence, the 48-72 hour thing: he's trying to make up his mind between releasing 3.30 OE as is, and add bonus functions through patches later, or release it later with the bonus functions built in.

Well, so far as current PSP games aren't demanding 3.30, maybe it can wait, but with the improvements to movie playback...

Via-- http://pspupdates.qj.net/Countdown-3-30-.../aid/88359

I think it would be better if he release it later with the bonus functions built in. But still, good to have proof that he's working on a new OE :) :P
I agree with you.  Actually, 3.0x OE's 480x272 videos apparently don't work on 3.30.

I still don't see much point in the higher resolution - the only reason you'd use it is if you want to carry it on the PSP and watch it on the PC - somewhat counter-intuitive if you ask me.
idk exactly how it works but like the pops loader plugin of 3.11 is used as a plugin under the recovery menu right, maybe to solve the problem with flash space DA should just do the same with 3-5 more if possible, or sony shold just stop being bastards and release a FW with some sort of recovery menu, even if limited to the downgrade ability,  with the same idea, loaders through your memstick if you want them at all, and DA can later just add the downgrade and extras stuff, make it easier on DA, or on us for customization :yes:
or maybe just a stupid idea from me who had an adrenaline overflow from tackling little kids into fences after work
re:i really did play with and tackle kids and they didnt cry they just laughed and wee kept playing, pretty strong kids
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