roberth Wrote:whether she has a hacked PSP, i can't just assume
You can assume.
I'll get the full Loco Roco. =>≤ hopefully it will relax me.
It will! Its really relaxing to play. Calm and settle.
Nice music, colorful......
Until those *#&$*(#*&$# THINGS 'borrow' YOUR ROCOS!!! AND POOF!!...
they die... then you have to start the level over to get all your Rocos...
wow you made me change my mind =._.= it sounds stressful to play it. =>.≥ i don't want anyone to 'borrow' my locos =<.≤
Killzone Liberation. I got it for xmas when I asked for gta vcs...
Dupain Wrote:wow you made me change my mind =._.= it sounds stressful to play it. =>.≥ i don't want anyone to 'borrow' my locos =<.≤
Nahhhh hahaha its not that bad. Its really good. Trust me.
metal gear acid, closely followed by thug2 remix.(got mine on day of european release so there wasn't much choice)
brcu Wrote:Ridge Racer and it's still a decent game now or maybe that's due to the lack of Gran Turismo !
Yeah - double you tee eff is up with GT!?! Is it ever coming...?