Endless Paradigm

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I turned to a super kittie and saved all the brain monsters so they became human =o.o=
then the terminator came and wiped these little critters like the hellish bastards they were
But then i made friends with the terminator and wee drank chocolate milk with him =O_O=
and the Dupain made a camp fire and they had marshmallows, magic mushrooms and a bit o' weed. Sadly Dupain was as HIGH AS THE SKY and fell into the fire and burnt......but the Terminator was so into the "colours" that he thought Dupain was firelighter and he added to the fire......
When Dupain finally got out of the fire he was pink.
The fire was magical and it made him bigger, badder and stronger
then the Terminator himself...
Got eaten by the mighty FSM who them went off to make a world without other religions and people who just didn't get it.

AND then there were dinosours...
Millions of them.

Some with Chuck Norris DNA.......
particularly the raptors...

martial artist raptors! ... wTFFFF

duapin thought they were santas elves
Hi santa elves =*_*= can i see the dark sbear tribes? i want to meet Rhasta from Warcraft.  He pretty popularrr =*_*=
the confused chucknorris-raptors stare at dupain then runs away

"dupain is REALLY weird" they said
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