Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Challenge One: Create a TV Channel Logo
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Changed my name to madbear.tv :)

Here you go:

[Image: madbeartvcopy.png]

Comedy Time
[Image: madbearpreview1copy.png]

Anime Time
[Image: madbearpreview2copy.png]
roflz good one MehHakker [Family Guy Ep full of lulz]
thanks Sensei :)
[Image: 47146751no2.png]
[Image: 12061187jn4.png]

R!KKU Entered!!!! YAY!!!!

[Image: 867148_3618653_big.gif]

Sensei DON'T YOU DARE SAY ANYTHING!!! or I'll biff you one!!!  lol j/k

but R!KKU what's the channel called?
Hehehe thank's and uhhh idk ?
Revolutionar E? lol
rikku entered???

OMG, the world as wee know it is coming to an end.......
.... is this exaturation or ? what.
heres mine

H.S.N is The Haunted Skull Network

[Image: HSNlogo.png]

logo screenshot
[Image: HSNscreenshot.png]

mainly horror movies and ones with alot of gore
R!KKU: pwnage entry.
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