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Full Version: Custom Firmware Extender 2.0 - now supports Custom Firmware 3.90 M33,
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Users of homebrew developer Cpasjuste's Custom Firmware Extender should better get ready to update their Sony PlayStation Portables. The latest version of this application (check out the previous version here) now supports CFW 3.90 M33, 1.50, and 3.40 time machine.

Another nice touch included in this update is that users of this custom firmware extender can reboot one time machine firmware to another instantaneously. For more information about the fixes in this version, just check out the changelog:

    * Removed usb/wifi ISO streaming for multiples reason, principaly it was not the goal of cfe at the beginning. There is now "USB ISO Loader" by psp.padawan that will do the job well.  You should soon be able to grab it from http://www.mydedibox.fr/~psppadawan/
    * 390m33-2 and 150_340TM custom firmware now supported (cfe should now work on any firmware), note that on the 150_340 time machine firmware, the ftpd server will not work, and remotejoy under ISO/HOMEBREWS won't work too for now. All other functions should work well.
    * Time Machine compatibility : You can now reboot "on the fly" from one time machine firmware to another, just edit the cfe.config file under "ms0:/seplugins/cfe/"  to choose which firmware you will reboot to by pressing a combo button. Format is the same as the original time machine configuration file. Default configuration is NOTE+LEFT => reboot to 150_340 firmware, NOTE+RIGHT => normal reboot (NAND).
    * Remotejoy fixed to work on both slim and phat psp, without savegame bugs, so it should now be completely usable for gaming and recording.
    *  Tested on 390m33-2 and 150_340TM firmware on SLIM and PHAT psp.
    *  And more, can't remember all the work i have done on this :)

Just like the usual, reading the readme file is important before even thinking about installing this application or updating your custom firmware extender. You know what to do, just grab the program from the download link below. Enjoy!


You need to fix the source link but thanks!!!!
MehHakker Wrote:You need to fix the source link but thanks!!!!

Thanks, fixed! :)
ok this is cool i might use this
video capturing not working I'm on 3.90m33-2 fat psp

the good thing is that you can switch from 150_340 firmware and nand boot on the xmb.
thanks for the update. I wish i had my psp to put this prx on it.
Custom Firmware Extender 2.1 is out already

Updated again to 2.2

cfe 2.2

Cpasjuste Wrote:NEWS IN VERSION 2.2

- The Time Machine reboot function should now be fixed ... stupid error i made. Note that the function is only made for use with NAND firmware and 150_340 one, with the TM files provided in this archive. If you want to use it with another firmware than 150_340, you will have to edit your firmware files manually to add the cfe_vsh.prx and cfe_game.prx plugins (TM/fw/pspbtcnf.txt and TM/fw/pspbtcnf_game.txt).

- Fixed some little bugs in the music player, and found the reason why it was not working for all the people. If the psp hang while loading the music menu, you should apply the dark_alex 3.71 fatmsmod.prx patch, it should fix all the problem's. You can download it from my server : http://mydedibox.fr/index.php?option=com...&Itemid=53
music support woot im gonna get it now
thanks for this!
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