Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW #25 -- Robots
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Hihi @ R!KKU's entry
sorry i forgot i posted that at like 1 am so yea that's y i forgot so sorry Sadist
boogschd Wrote:Hihi @ R!KKU's entry
? what's funny about it?
R!KKU Wrote:
boogschd Wrote:Hihi @ R!KKU's entry
? what's funny about it?

i dunno what's funny but you sig is freakin badass
Thanks for putting that for me.

R!KKU Wrote:
boogschd Wrote:Hihi @ R!KKU's entry
? what's funny about it?

toy robot .. = coolness [Image: 77.gif]
[Image: KOS-MOSsig3.png]


When does the new contest start? And when can wee enter. Flatterd
Brittany Wrote:When does the new contest start? And when can wee enter. Flatterd

Entry time starts on monday morning, end on friday moring (EST)
Voting starts on Friday morning and End in Monday Morning
Tomorrow morning then, thank you so much for your help. <3
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